As One Week Ends

As One Week Ends

As this week ends, I have been thinking about the following questions.  How would you answer them?  Are you OK with what you answered?

  1. Are you going to die?
  2. Does your answer to #1 keep you from fully living in the present?
  3. Do you believe you can know when you will die?
  4. Have you been told there are things/habits you can do/adopt to affect the quality and longevity of your life?
  5. Are you doing those things? (see #4)
  6. Are there things you’d like to do but can’t find the time to attend to them?
  7. Do you really want to do the things you listed in #6? Do you have a plan to do them?
  8. Will worrying about when and how you will die change the fact that you will die?
  9. Do you believe in an afterlife?
  10. Would it help you if you knew there was life after death?
  11. How are you treating your family and friends?
  12. How are they (#11) treating you?
  13. Would you like #11 and #12 to be different? What are your plans to make that happen?
  14. For what do you want to be remembered?
  15. Have you written your obituary or the eulogy you’d like people to read or hear at your passing?
  16. Do you have hope for (or in) the future?
  17. Are you slightly angry or resentful that you are getting older and perhaps less able to do all you once did?
  18. Are there things you can do this week that will bring you a sense of peace and will make you smile or laugh with joy?
  19. Who do you love the most? When was the last time you let them know this?
  20. If you knew you would die in two months, what would you do?


“We don’t have to attach so much meaning to what arises, and we also don’t have to identify with our emotions so strongly.  All we need to do is allow ourselves to experience the energy – and in time it will move through you.”  (Pema Chodron – “Meditating with Emotions”).

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Have a great week.

Author: Jon

Aspiring Writer and Blogger. Former Banker, Teacher, Headmaster and Pastor.

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